Quarantine With The Fur Boss

Quarantine With The Fur Boss


With the weather warming up and New York moving through the phases of reopening from the COVID-19 lockdown, I am excited to start getting back in the swing of things! I took this time to take a break, unplug and center myself. 

Unfortunately, the pandemic forced us to completely shut down our entire operation at Reich Furs. Thankfully, we are starting to transition into utilizing our services! It's fur storage season, so make sure you reach out to us at furservices@reichfurs.com to arrange your fur storage.

Now, I would love to give you a glimpse of what quarantine looked like for me. My daily routine begins at 5:00 am when I wake up and meditate (let me know if you would like to see a post on my meditation practice in the comments!). Next, I head over to our home gym for a 2 hour workout. I also am able to FaceTime with my trainer 3 times a week. 

By the time I'm done with my workout, it's time to be my children's teacher! This has probably been one of the most challenging parts of staying home. Major props to all of the teachers out there who teach our kids! I am feeding my boys all day long and cleaning up after them as I go.

I've been trying my best to keep my kids off of their devices and get them outside and moving. They love to play sports and now that it's warm we can enjoy the pool. I have also been tending to my garden. As evening approaches, I enjoy a cocktail of course! 

I take one day at a time. I do the best I can every day. When I start to feel less than, I remind my self that life is good, my family is healthy and to operate from love not fear. There are a couple of things I am proud of in my life...I am resilient and I will reinvent!

I do really miss my team. I miss the family environment that we have cultivated in our offices. I miss the collaborative talks and especially the laughter. I am very much looking forward to getting back to that!

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