The Design Studio...

The Design Studio...

Patterns. Sewing machines. Thread. Samples. Swatches. Fabric. Mannequins. Fur. Lots of fur. Every kind of fur. The highest quality fur. The best pattern maker in the industry. The best seamstress in the world (IMHO). The best group of design students learning and helping. The best designers around. Energy. Lots of positive energy coming from good people. From strong women. From independent women. Working together to make something fabulous happen. Something special. Something unique. Something that some woman is going to put on and feel absolutely amazing. She will feel like she can walk the red carpet. She will feel like she is walking on air. Like all eyes are on her and she is the fashion queen of the night. We make pieces that are of the upmost quality with the highest grades of fur and the finest fabrics. We are a luxury brand. We are Reich Furs.

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